Friday 19 February 2016

Things I Wish I'd Done Differently...

Choices are one of life's guarantee's, they're made on a daily basis by every single person on this planet, and have the power to change everything. One little choice, one simple decision, can send you down a path you never envisioned. Make the right choice; you'll be laughing... Make the wrong choice, well, that's very different... Scary, isn't it? You won't always know what the right choice is, and where that decision will lead you, and that's pretty terrifying. 

What if I screw up? What if I make a bad decision? What if... I don't even realise I'm making a decision right now that can potentially change my life as I know it? 

In retrospect, there are many many things I wish I'd done differently; decisions I wish I'd never made, and others I wish I had - some much bigger than others... Hindsight is quite possibly one of the cruelest yet most beautiful things life has to offer. 

I wish I'd worked harder for my A-Levels, I wish I'd made myself join a gym sooner, I wish I never spoke my mind when I was drunk (that never works well...), I wish I'd tried harder to make relationships work, I wish, I wish, I wish...

There are a lot of things that we all wish we could have done differently, but focussing on them isn't going to change anything. If you spend too much time thinking about how you'd change the past, your biggest regret will be how you neglected the choices of your unwritten future. 

"Free yourself from the burden of a past you cannot change" - Steve Maraboli

At the end of the day, all of the choices I've made in my life have made me the person I am today, and yes, there are things I don't like about myself, but I can make choices to change that too. 

What do you wish you'd done differently?

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