Sunday, 6 July 2014

Birthday Celebrations

As the title suggests, this post is all about my birthday...
I turned 17 this Tuesday, and to celebrate, I decided to throw a BBQ the Sunday before and invite some of my closest friends. I knew that I wanted to have some kind of party rather than just going out for a meal or the cinema, and considering my birthday is in July, a BBQ seemed like a great idea!

Now, as anybody who lives in the UK knows, the weather can be extremely unpredictable. In fact, as I'm writing this, it was chucking it down with rain yesterday, but today I'm sat in the garden wearing nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of shorts... The weather was absolutely glorious during the weeks leading up to my birthday, up until about three days before my party... Just my luck... (I blame the fact I broke a mirror about three weeks ago). It was cold, it was raining, and I was devastated... But then things started to change. I was constantly checking weather reports from various sources, one of which claimed it was supposed to turn lovely again on the Sunday, and thank the heavens because the weather couldn't have been more gorgeous! *breathes a sigh of relief*

I'd invited 11 of my friends, however a few couldn't make it, so I was left with only 8 friends but over a dozen burgers... A solution to my problem? Invite the grandparents...
(Shoutout to my friends who made my party so amazing - Alex, Amy, Becky, Cat, Connor, Emma, Emma and Grace)
The disadvantage of going to an all-girls school, is not having many male friends, so the majority of the people at my party were girls... All except one... Connor. You may remember Connor from my previous posts "Sleepovers, Skype and Flower Crowns" and "Sunday", so somehow he always manages to make an appearance in my posts... 
I was slightly worried that Connor might feel uncomfortable being the only guy at my party, but in reality he actually loved it (I should have known). 

Becky, Emma, Amy & Me

The night before my party, I'd invited my best friend (well, one of them) Amy to sleep over, and we had a great time! We had a good old catch up, and as we weren't prepared to break our tradition, we also Skyped Connor. We spent the evening pretty much laughing so hard our sides ached, and also decorating my house and garden with bunting, balloons and banners for the BBQ. 

The following morning we got up super early, decorated some more, and helped my Mum prepare the food and set up the BBQ. At 2pm, the party had officially started! We all sat in the garden and ate, socialised and acted like children with footballs, badminton kits and frisbee's on the field behind my house, where I'd just like to add; Connor did the most epic fail ever and fell over the football as he went to kick it! (sorry Connor, you didn't think I wouldn't mention it did you?)
We also played Just Dance on the Wii for a little while, which was absolutely hilarious, and also acted like children some more by bouncing on the trampoline (which is now broken by the way, thanks Emma and Connor)...

I'm glad to say that everybody had a great time, in fact, everyone left between 8pm and 9pm, despite the fact it was supposed to end at 7:00... I also had an amazing time, the banter was flowing, and it was definitely the best birthday I've had by far! 

Me, Amy & Connor


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