Thursday, 15 January 2015

The Liebster Award...

Recently, I was very kindly nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely TheHomelyChic, so thank you Charlotte!

For those of you who haven't heard of it (I know I hadn't until I was nominated), the Liebster Award is for bloggers who haven't quite gotten the recognition they deserve, and it's a great way for you to find out more about them, and really bring the whole blogging community closer...

There are a few rules that go along with this, and they are...

1. Thank the person who nominated you, and link them in the post.
2. Answer the questions provided by your nominator.
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers, all with under 200 followers, and link them in the post also.
4. Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Notify all of your nominees through a form of social media, such as leaving a comment on their most recent blog post.

Now, onto my answers!

1. When did you start your blog? I started my blog in April 2014.

2. Why did you start your blog? I'd been considering it for quite some time, and it seemed a great creative outlet, and a way to share my thoughts.
3. What are your New Years resolutions for 2015? I actually wrote a post about this, which you can find here, but my basic resolutions are to blog more, enjoy life to the full, and take a heck of a lot of pictures!
4. If you could go on holiday anywhere, where would you go? I honestly don't think I have a single answer for this... However I would say either Hawaii or Florida.
5. What is your favourite clothing store? Either H&M or Forever21.
6. What is your favourite season? An impossible question... They all have great qualities! I'd have to say summer... 6 weeks away from school, going on holiday, ice cream... what's not to love!?
7. Flats or heels? Hmmm... flats.
8. Favourite film? Again, another impossible question! I'm so indecisive... Let's just go with Safe Haven...
9. What TV shows have you watched recently? Revenge and Pretty Little Liars.
10. What is your dream job? I actually don't have any career aspirations... And I don't think I have a dream job, but I would love to travel the world and write about it... Does that count?
11. Where do you see yourself in five years? Honestly... I have no clue... Probably working, having just finished University, and hopefully being happy too...

My nominations... (also, apologies if you've already done it! And further apologies if you have more than 200 followers, I went off of Bloglovin stats)

All things Ali x, Beauty Kisses, bloggerjames, Ciara's Corner, beautiful hope, Lauren Loves Laughter, Living In June, Mexican Lime, Nabsticle, Simply Being Young, WHERE SHE GOES

My questions for the nominated blogs...

1. What's your favourite thing about blogging?
2. Favourite cuisine?
3. If you could share one piece of advice, what would it be?
4. What are your goals for 2015?
5. Favourite hobby?
6. What's your favourite book?
7. Where do you get the inspiration for your blog posts?
8. Who is the most important person (or people) in your life?
9. Who is your favourite blogger?
10. Where in the world do you want to visit?
11. Fast forward to ten years in the future... What are you doing?

I really enjoyed writing this, I do love a good Q&A style post... Thank you again to Charlotte, and I hope you enjoyed this post!



  1. Aww, thank you for the nomination Chloe! :)

    1. You're welcome! I loved your post on it! :D

  2. Thanks so much for nominating me Chloe! :) I will be doing this as soon as I can!

    I'd definitely agree with you about summer being my fav season, and I'm a lover of flats too (despite the fact that I wish I could wear heels more often! hehe)

    Lauren xx

    1. Aww you're welcome Lauren! :D and I really look forward to seeing your post and the answers to my questions! :D

      Summer's great, isn't it!? And I certainly agree with your heels point! Forever wishing I could work heels as well as those A-list celebs... Sighs...
