Wednesday, 11 February 2015

The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

After being nominated for the Liebster Award a few weeks ago, I wasn't expecting another award nomination so soon! Massive thank you's go to Brittany from Living In June for nominating me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

Similarly to the Liebster Award, there are a few rules that go along with this...

1. Thank and link the blogger who nominated you
2. Answer the ten questions your nominator has provided
3. Nominate ten other bloggers and share the love!
4. Finally, create ten questions of your own to ask your nominees and notify them of their nomination! 

My answers to the questions Brittany provided... 

1. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Starting off on a tough question! This is actually impossible as the music I listen to literally varies from day to day... There's not much point in naming a song that I know I'll be bored of in six months time, so let's just leave this as an undecided answer...

2. What's the best thing that someone has given you?

Oh gosh... I'd have to say the unconditional love from my family and closest friends... It's extremely comforting knowing that someone will always be there for you, and it's something that I try my hardest to never take for granted. Cliché, I know, but true nonetheless.

3. If you could choose your last words, what would they be?

This is so hard!! I guess I'd have to say that I'd tell my friends and family that I love them for one last time, and how grateful I am for everything they've given me... I'm getting emotional now. Next question!

4. What's the best compliment you've been given?

I don't think there are any stand-out compliments, as I'm equally grateful for each and every one received! However, it may have been when one of my best friends, Catherine, told me I made her day by making her laugh and cheering her up... I try...

5. If you could only use one social media site for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Twitter, or Instagram! I don't think I can choose between them, but it would definitely be one of the two!

6. If the person you were meant to be were in front of you, would you know it?

I doubt it... Being only 17, I'm still growing as a person, and am yet to truly find myself... I obviously have aspirations of who I want to be, but whether they'll become reality is a matter of something else entirely!

7. If your life were a movie, what movie would it be?

No idea! Literally, no clue...

8. Can you honestly say you are happy right now?

Am I happy? Yes! Could I be happier? Yeah, but I think most people could, right? Sixth form is a pretty big stress, but overall is going pretty well. I have an amazing set of friends and family who make me insanely happy, and although I have my down days, (which is okay, and everyone is entitled to them) I'm happy.

9. What would make you happier?

Nicely linking in with the previous question... My life is full of uncertainty at the minute... Will I get the grades I need for Uni? What will happen if I don't? Will everything turn out okay in the end? I guess having a bit more security regarding my future would make me happier, but other than that, I don't think I'd change anything!

10. What's the biggest lesson you learned in 2014?

Things change... And that's okay! Relationships end, chapters close, nothing is constant, but you can't control it... 2014 was a year of change for me, and 2015 is certainly going to throw me in the deep end with it... I learned to just embrace the change that will inevitably arrive, and make it work for you.

My ten questions for my nominees...

1. If you could meet any three celebs, or influential people, who would they be?
2. What's your quirkiest quality? (everyone has them!)
3. Any secret (or not so secret) talents?
4. Favourite quote?
5. Favourite make-up brand?
6. What would you do if you won £1million?
7. Do you believe in fate, or that we should make our own?
8. How do you deal with change?
9. What's one thing you couldn't live without?
10. What is your favourite childhood memory?

I nominate the following lovely blogs, have fun with it everyone! (also, apologies if you've already done it!)

Ria Dee
Beth's Honest Ramblings
Mexican Lime
Where She Goes
Love, Laura Bora
Emma Withers
The Homely Chic
The Glitter Chic
Lauren Loves Laughter
Ciara's Little Corner

Again, thank you to Brittany! I hope you enjoyed reading this post, I must say I did enjoy writing it, as I guess it's always nice to know a little bit more about the person behind the blog...



  1. many congrats!
    following you on bloglovin' and twitter. hope you'll look for me too. see you around!

    a possible fantasy

    1. Thank you!
      I've followed back on both!

      Chloe x

  2. Thank you for the nomination Chloe! I'm just writing my responses!
    I most definitely learned the same lesson in 2014, it's made me so much happier :)

    1. No problem Beth!
      I'm looking forward to reading your post! I've found that by embracing it, change most often brings positivity and, as you said, happiness, so it's been a great influence on me recently also!
      Thank you for your lovely comment
      Chloe xx

  3. Thank you for nominating me again Chloe! It was great reading your answers - I know it can be a bit of a scary time not knowing what you'll be doing after school but I'm sure everything will work out how you'd like it in the end! My biggest tip is enjoy it while you can - sometimes it's nice not knowing exactly what the future will bring! :)
    I'll definitely be answering your questions but it might take me a little while as life is a bit crazy atm! Thanks again!

    Lauren xx

    1. You're welcome Lauren!
      Thank you for your comment, I'm definitely trying to overcome my fear of the unknown by trusting it'll all be okay in the end! :)
      Don't worry about it! I'm really looking forward to reading your post whenever you have time to do it!

      Chloe xx
