Sunday, 22 February 2015

In A Nutshell | Half Term Shenanigans

I've been a little slacking on the blog front this week, but by no means due to a lack of inspiration... In fact, I've come up with a few ideas for upcoming posts recently, but simply haven't had the time... With mocks next week, I've spent most of my half term revising, and boy has it killed me... I don't think I've been this mentally drained in a long time, and I'll be more than relieved once I've seen the back of them... This massive influx of work has really knocked me sideways, so I've been favouring trying to get it done as opposed to blogging, forgive me...

Despite my best efforts to spend the vast majority of my time being prepared for mocks, I've found myself going out quite a lot over the short break; a decision I'll most likely regret when I get my mock results...

Last Sunday I found myself at Emma's house, along with Alex and Cat for a "pizza and movie night" - I briefly mentioned this in last Sunday's post... We, being the indecisive people we are, didn't actually end up watching any films, but instead spent several hours chatting (gossiping mostly) and playing board games (basically channeling the noughties and our childhood selves).

Tuesday was a slight change from the norm... I had my first driving lesson! 
I'm not going to lie, I've put off taking my driving lessons since last summer, and I really don't know why... I think a part of me was slightly terrified of the idea, but it was mainly due to the fact I'm an extreme procrastinator and simply never got round to booking any lessons... The whole experience of driving a car was, as I'd predicted, quite scary, although I'm sure after a few more lessons (with my next one being tomorrow!) I'll get the hang of it and can get past third gear! Side note - I only stalled once, wahoo! 

After deciding we were all feeling stressed and needed a break from the seemingly never-ending revision, my aforementioned friends and I took a few hours on Thursday afternoon to go and watch Kingsman... It was such a funny film, and despite the frequent and unnecessary swearing every thirty seconds, I throughly enjoyed it! Although we were all pretty stuffed from the popcorn, Doritos and maltesers we'd eaten, we still found ourselves in Pizza Express... Myself and Alex shared a Carbonara pizza - which I would highly recommend! While Catherine, despite how much she told us she wasn't that hungry, had a chicken salad, and then proceeded to eat the remains of her sweets from the cinema during the car ride home...

On Friday, I took another "break" from revision... Whoopsies... And went to see Jupiter Ascending with my Mum and sister... Although the film itself wasn't that great, despite having the potential to be, we watched it in 3D which made it slightly better... Normally I'm not a fan of films in 3D, I find the glasses to be annoying, jump out of my skin when something appears like it's going to hit me in the face, and sometimes find the whole experience makes me feel a bit dizzy... I can happily report that those days are long gone, and I have a feeling I'll be seeing a lot more films in 3D in the near future...

Regardless of being sick and tired of schoolwork (even on my supposed week off) I've had a fun-filled half term, and being able to have lie-ins each day of the week was a godsend! 
What have you done this week? Have you had a half term like me, or is there simply anything that's made you happy recently? As always, leave a comment and let me know! 


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