This is going up slightly later than I would have liked, but better late than never, right?
I'd suggest you sit down and make yourself a drink of your choice (Hot chocolate would be mine...) because this is quite long... Aren't you lucky!
One of the things I love about being off school for holidays is having the free time to spend with friends... Don't get me wrong, I see my friends at the weekend a lot! In fact, as I'm writing this, I've just realised I'm going to a party tomorrow night... See, I can be sociable...
I saw my friends a lot over the Christmas holidays, and seeing as it's our last year together, I think it was pretty important that we did so... After all, it was our last Christmas together too...
The following Sunday after breaking up from school, myself, Alex and Catherine went to Emma's house, where we were supposed to have a movie day... Instead it turned into a "watch one film, play The Game of Life and Bop-It, and eat pizza" day... Nevertheless it was absolutely hilarious, I swear I went home with abs of steel... Cat got confused by the film, which was Now You See Me, and got into debt playing The Game of Life... Many inside jokes were formed that day, and it was the perfect way to kick off the Christmas holidays!
After Christmas, we all met up again... Except this time, we went ice skating! I was quite nervous, as I've only ever been ice skating a handful of times, and well.. I'm not very good... I blame my lack of balance and spatial awareness... Normally I'm dependent on my Mum's arm (and literally put my life in her hands), but going with friends was something I was wary of... Thankfully, I didn't break any bones! Nor did I fall on my arse and make a complete fool of myself! I'd say it was success...
I was, however, pretty dependent on both Emma and Alex, and screamed when they tried to let go of me... Pretty much the same situation as a small child on their bike without training wheels for the first time, when their parent says they won't let go, but they inevitably do... Only, I wouldn't let them...
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Me, Emma & Alex |
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Cat, Alex, Me, Emma |
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Alex, Me, Emma |
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(shoutout to the guy who I trusted with my phone to take the picture on ice...) |
Despite all of this, I had a great time! We unanimously decided that we weren't ready for the day to end, and all ended up back at my house for The Game of Life part II!
We also took selfies with my lifesize cardboard cutout of Ian Somerhalder (yes... I do own that...) which I received from them the previous Christmas, and ate more pizza...
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Selfie ft. Ian... |
Yet again, on New Years Day, we went out! Except this time we were joined by our other friends Emma (there are two), Becky and Kerri, to go to Pizza Express! (SO much pizza!!)...
It was a lovely evening, which I thoroughly enjoyed for the amazing food and equally amazing company! Plus, seeing as I was babysitting on New Years Eve (such a party animal...) it was the perfect excuse to dress up and go out!
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Kerri, Cat, Me & Emma |
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Becky, Emma & Alex |
Finally (wow I was more sociable than I initially thought!) myself, Alex, Emma and her boyfriend Connor spontaneously decided to go bowling before returning to school! We paid for unlimited bowling, and ended up playing five games... Of which I won one! *fist bumps the air*
Connor thought it would be funny to bowl alongside us, on the same lane... Yes, there were two bowling balls rolling down the same lane together... Luckily for me, it meant I got strikes or spares every time! We kept that up for about an hour or so, until security kindly came over and told us to only bowl with one ball... And then continued to watch us play for the rest of the time...
It was definitely worth it though, as we were all in fits when one of the balls came rolling back up the lane towards us! I wonder if we'll be able to get away with that one again?...
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Me & Alex (the only decent selfie taken that night...) |
Like I said, spending the holidays with friends is by far my favourite way to spend my free time... I'm only gutted I'm back in school now and the ridiculous amount of work I get hinders my ability to go out with friends as often as I'd like... Roll on the weekend!