Sunday, 25 January 2015

In A Nutshell | Let's try this again...

Last year I attempted a "weekly summary" series (attempted being the key word here) and although I hate to admit it, I failed miserably... I think I only managed to write four posts, and they weren't even consecutive...

Seeing as one of my resolutions for 2015 was to blog more (and yes, I am sticking to that) I've decided to get back into the swing of things and try and commit myself to posting a "weekly summary" every Sunday, given that I actually have interesting things going on that week! However, rather than keeping with the original name of Weekly Summary, which in total honesty I was never very keen on in the first place, I've decided to re-brand it... It's only fitting that a new start requires a new name, right? Hence the new (and improved) name, "In A Nutshell"... After having what I can only describe as Bloggers Block for the past few weeks, I finally settled on this; a great suggestion by a great friend (shoutout to Alex for the well-needed assistance!)

This week has been a busy one to say the least, although a pretty standard one all the same...

It's only my third week back at sixth form since the new year, but it feels like it's been forever! With mock exams rapidly approaching and requiring all of my time and energy, I already need a break!

Wednesday was a slightly more exciting day, as I travelled to Manchester University for an interview. This was my first proper interview, and nervous is an understatement... After having an informal and laid back chat with one of the professors, I soon realised that I had absolutely nothing to worry about, and actually started to enjoy myself! Overall, I thought the interview went well, and I must have said something right because by Thursday afternoon, I received an offer! Woooo, celebrate!

In that regard, I feel like a massive weight has been lifted from my shoulders, as now I've received all five of my Uni offers, the only thing I have to focus on is actually getting the grades this summer... Which is admittedly easier said than done *weights reappear on my shoulders*

I found myself at Liverpool University on Saturday for an applicant day, which allowed me to find out more information regarding my course and gave me a deeper insight into the Uni itself, as well as visiting the accommodation! It was a great day, I loved every minute of it, which has made me increasingly excited to (hopefully!) study there in September! Having to get up at 7am on a Saturday however was a task I didn't enjoy as much... 

Saturday was also the day of my friends Jenny and Val's joint 18th party! The best thing about being in upper sixth is definitely the fact that everyone turns 18! 
I had such an amazing time, dancing and drinking the night away with some pretty amazing people, definitely on an emotional high that night! A few friends and I also had a sleepover which was insanely hilarious... Playing "snog, marry, avoid" at 3am... Yeah we did that...

Today was slightly more relaxed, although I was absolutely shattered... Being up for 20 hours straight and only getting 4 hours sleep is something I definitely would not recommend! 

Getting to see my cousins was something I really enjoyed, as they live six hours away so therefore I don't get to see them as often as I would like! 

A busy week... But an eventful one nonetheless! Anything exciting you've been up to this week? Leave a comment and tell me all about it!


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