Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Embracing Change...

Change is one of those topics that's constantly circling my mind, and after reading Gemma's post on Mexican Lime here, I thought I'd address the matter as well... 

Change is inevitable. It will happen whether you like it or not, whether it's good or bad, it will change. But when one door closes, another one opens, right? 

This has really hit home with me recently, and despite just how much I've desperately tried to avoid change, it's happened.... a lot... 
I think struggling to adjust is one of the problems of change, but what if you find something better along the lines, that you never knew existed? 

I'm really enjoying sixth form at the minute, and despite how much I'm looking forward to getting exams out of the way and welcoming summer, the thought of a mere four months left is slightly unbearable... To think, in four months I will no longer be seeing my best friends five days a week, no more sharing free periods playing card games instead of doing work... It's terrifying...

Although I'll be devastated to see it come to an end, I'm determined to fully make the most of these next few months before the impending adventure of University begins... 

Despite how much I really don't want this chapter in my life to end, I'm extremely excited for the next one, so not all change is bad... It may take some getting used to, and a bit of grieving of the past, but change brings an essence of excitement... the unknown lurking, waiting to (hopefully) make the next chapter better than the last...

Relationships change.... I've had to say goodbye to people I never wanted to lose, and it's difficult to let go sometimes... But what if losing people opens up spaces in your life for new ones, who can influence your life through ways you never thought possible? That's how I like to look at it... People come, and people go... It's change...

How do you feel about change? Do you accept and embrace it, or try and avoid it? 



  1. Change is so often such a hard thing - even those times when you're really looking forward to it! I've never been very good at accepting changes but as I'm getting older it seems to get a little easier and you get just that little bit better at adapting! I've definitely been trying to embrace it more! :)

    Just wanted to let you know I responded to the Liebster award so it's up on my blog now :) Thank you again for nominating me!!

    Lauren xx

    1. I agree! Change is one of those difficult things that you either ignore or embrace, I'm glad you're embracing it too!

      I read your post and loved it! :)
