Sunday, 19 April 2015

In A Nutshell | Easter Break: Week #2

The last week of my Easter Break has drawn to an end... How the heck is life going so quickly!? In five short weeks my time at sixth form will be over, when it only feels like it began yesterday... Assuming I don't have to re-sit the year, of course...

The past week has been mostly full of revision; attempting to get notes and flash-cards written, and making sure the ridiculous amounts of information I need to remember is stuck in my brain... I still haven't quite mastered that yet...

On Wednesday myself, Catherine and Alice ventured over to Liverpool for a well needed catch-up and of course, retail therapy! I had a few birthday gifts I needed to buy for people, but I also picked up a couple of things for myself, spending waaay to much money in the process... I also learned in Lush that they purchase ingredients for the Peace massage bar straight from the Peace Villages in Colombia, allowing them to fairly trade! See guys, shopping can be educational... I have to say, I did feel very sophisticated walking around Liverpool carrying seven shopping bags... I also bought the most amazing candle ever, it's pomegranate and pineapple scented, and smells just like summer, it's very nostalgic and brings back memories of last summer... I like it, a lot.

We stopped off at Starbucks for lunch and spent a lot of our time quizzing Cat on her geographical knowledge, or rather lack of... I very nearly cried with laughter... No Catherine, Edinburgh is not in the South East...

I ordered the Croque Monsieur Panini and a hot chocolate, Alice got a Ham and Cheddar Croissant and a Strawberry & Cream Frappuccino, while Cat got a Pulled Pork Corn Ciabatta and a Mocha Frappuccino. I can only speak on my own behalf, but it was lovely...

The same night I also went to see Insurgent with my Mum and Sister, I think I preferred Divergent, although Theo James.... Beautiful!

Yesterday, I had my first BBQ of the year seeing as the weather was glorious! Spring has definitely sprung... I also relaxed in the garden for a little while, managing to slightly burn my chest and gaining a face full of freckles... It felt like summer and I loved it...

Speaking of weather, I managed to capture some lovely pictures of the sky this week as the sun was setting. My bedroom is west-facing, meaning I'm able to watch the sun set (or at least majority of it due to obstructing houses and trees) every night... It's extremely calming, and is typically my favourite time of day!

A single star

Tonight I'm going to my friend Victoria's 18th party - everyone's turning 18 recently and it's great! I can honestly say I've never been so sociable in my life... The best thing about 18th's is that everyone (usually) has them or celebrates in some way, and at this point in sixth form everybody pretty much knows everybody, so there's a hell of a lot of them to go to!
What a way to end the Easter Break! Don't worry guys, my sixth form is closed tomorrow, hence a Sunday party!

What have you been up to this week?

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