Friday, 3 April 2015

The Versatile Blogger Award!

Recently, I was very kindly nominated by the lovely Brittany from Living In June for the Versatile Blogger Award! This is the second award nomination Brittany has bestowed upon me, and for that I am very grateful, so thank you Brittany! 

For those of you familiar with any awards in the blogosphere, you all know what comes next - the rules!

1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Share 7 interesting facts about yourself
3. Nominate ten other bloggers to do the same, and notify them of their nomination!

Now, personally, it took a seriously long time for me to think of seven interesting facts about myself... If you can't do the same then don't feel pressured to! I'm actually surprised I managed to come up with seven! Onto my facts...

1. When I was born, I had a congenital disorder called DDH, which basically means my hip joint was deformed... I was in and out of plaster casts for the first two years of my life, had pins and plates inserted into my hip, and now have a 16cm scar down my right thigh... Yep...

2. When I was little, my parents and I very nearly emigrated to Australia for my Dad's work... We didn't in the end, but I often wonder what my life would be like if we did...

3. I got the highest GCSE results in my year at school... I'm never one to brag, and I hardly mention it, but I was a little stuck for interesting facts! 

4. I used to swim semi-competitively in a local swimming club, but eventually gave it up to focus on my GCSE and then A-Level studies. Over the years I won a few certificates and awards, and they're always a lovely little reminder of when life wasn't so hectic...

5. I am allergic to grapes and raisins... Not wine, not Vimto drinks, not anything else grape related, but just grapes and raisins... I don't know how that's possible - but it is!

6. When I went to Egypt on my summer holiday last year, I was unfortunate enough to acquire over 40 mosquito bites... My sister got none. Each night before I went to sleep, I had to put hot spoons on each bite, and then cover them with various creams and even resorted to toothpaste... Thankfully, none of them scarred! 

7. I can't roll or curl my tongue in any way, shape or form, I can't roll my R's, but I can wiggle my ears...

I couldn't find 10 other blogs to nominate, most blogs I follow have already done it! I did manage to nominate 5 people though, and they are...

Gemma from Mexican Lime

Beth from Beth's Honest Ramblings
Rachel from WHERE SHE GOES
Lauren from Lauren Loves Laughter
Gillie from Gillie Blogs

I hope you all take the Versatile Blogger Award on board, not only is it a great way to interact with other bloggers, but it's also amazing to let your readers know that little bit more about you! Plus, it was nice to have a little reminisce about things from the past... I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

Are there any interesting facts about you? Leave a comment and tell me! 


  1. Some interesting fact :)
    Aww, poor you for the DDH
    Wow, the highest GCSE in your school, you're really clever!
    That's what happened to me too! We went on holidays and my sister hardly got any bites but I got loads...

    Neeny x

    1. Thank you! :)
      Thankfully the DDH isn't a problem anymore, and mosquito bites are such a pain! The temptation to itch them is too much!
      Chloe x

  2. That's so weird about the grapes allergy! I also get massive mosquito bites, my legs look bloody deformed whenever I go on holiday, it's so annoying! At least we must taste nice, so I guess that's something...!

  3. I know right! I don't understand it myself! Tell me about it, I started to resemble a leopard with the amount of bites I had all over me! Hahaha very true! :) x
